floor scrubber machine

A Comprehensive Guide to Choose the Right Floor Scrubber For Your Business

You know how important it is to keep your floors clean. Your floors are one of the first impressions a new customer or client will make of your business. And as a business owner, you need to ensure every first impression is a good one. Because sloppy floors create the image of a sloppy and unprofessional business. Furthermore, if your floors are bad enough, you may have people slipping on them, which can be a huge liability issue.

Keeping your floor clean can be easier said than done though. For example, you may have mops on hand, but sometimes they just don’t get the job done. That is when you need a floor scrubber machine. Your employees will love being able to clean with a floor scrubber instead of trying to use a mop to remove tough stains and spills. Your customers and clients will love how clean your floors are as well. Now that you know the importance of owning a floor scrubber, it’s time to learn what you should look for in your commercial floor scrubber.

A Few Key Things to Remember When Purchasing a Floor Scrubber Machine

A commercial floor scrubber machine is a big purchase for your company, but a very worthwhile one. That means you’ll need to know what to look for when you make your purchase. Here are some tips for your commercial floor scrubber.

Power Source

Your new commercial floor scrubber machine will likely use one of two power sources. You can go with an outlet powered scrubber, this will enable you to maintain a high voltage throughout the entire job. It will also remove you from any sort of time pressure while cleaning the floors. The other common choice is the battery powered energy source. This gives your cleaner more freedom in terms of movement because cleaning staff don’t need to remain near an outlet – or worry about switching outlets as they move. This gives them a ton of flexibility to get the job done. The downside is that they’re on a time limit due to the battery life, and they may lose power as the battery gets lower.

Unit Sizing

The size and shape of your floor scrubber machine is going to have a big impact on the way it functions. You need to ensure that the unit that you get fits the location you’re trying to work on. A bulky unit will not work well in a cubicle filled office space, but a small agile unit may not have the power to make sure that the floor gets fully clean in an industrial environment with tougher stains. Both have their advantages, but you need to make sure you get the one that works best for your situation.

Make sure you do your research before purchasing a floor scrubber machine for your establishment. Visit the Roy Turk website today to see which scrubber works best for you!